Tracey Kilborn
My initial motivation for choosing to work one-on-one with a personal trainer was that I was wanting to challenge myself by moving away from what was I was comfortable with. I’d also suffered a couple of injuries in the past and felt I needed a different approach and was bored with the treadmill and a few sit-ups.
As I’m a medic I wanted someone I trusted who had the knowledge and a sound base in exercise science. I don’t suffer fools gladly! I looked at several trainers but felt that Tyron’s approach was professional and educated and that he had a good understanding of my limitations and that was why I asked him to coach me.
When I first started out, I was nervous that I would find one-on-one coaching was not for me, that I would become irritated with my coach and also that I would be completely useless. However, as I became so much stronger- that led to confidence to do different types of exercises I had never thought were ‘me’ before and finding I enjoyed them. My body shape changed completely, and I stopped injuring myself.
My favourite part of training with Ty was laughing through the sweat and tears! And that he didn’t let me quit, pushed me when I was slacking and propped me up when I was down and actually needed a friend rather than a trainer.
I trained with Tyron for 7 years in total and would say that his coaching methodology is evidence and science based. The training that is balanced and effective and delivered in an approachable caring manner. I’m a fan!